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ROBG - 160


Coordinating and supporting the modernization of the public health

Services in Dolj - Vratsa

What’s the goal?

To improve the cooperation capacity and efficiency of the public health players in a CBC context, in DJ-VR.

What’s the budget?

1,300,322.42 euro, out of which 1,105,274.05 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit Dolj County (Romania)(548,062.66 euro)

Beneficiary 2 (B 2): Municipality of Kozloduy (Bulgaria) (713,557.04 euro)

Beneficiary 3 (B 3): Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova (Romania) (38,702.72 euro)

Beneficiary 4 (B 4): Vratsa District Administration (Bulgaria) (0,00 euro)

When is it happening?

Start date: 21.04.2017

End date: 20.11.2019

Duration: 31 months

Where is it happening?

Craiova Town, Dolj County, Romania

Vratsa Town, Kozloduy Town, Vratsa District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?                       

  • Organizing 5 conferences in Dolj, Kozloduy and Vratsa;
  • Publicity materials (roll-up, banners, billboards, leaflets, sets of personalized folders + pens + notepads for project events, press articles);
  • Analysing the current situation of healthcare services in Dolj and Vratsa;
  • Improving patients access to health services in cardiovascular surgery, by endowing Beneficiary 3 - Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova with a complete Operation Room;
  • Increasing the quality of access to free public healthcare offered in Vratsa district by Multi-profile hospital for active medical treatment “Ivan Rilski”-Kozloduy;
  • Construction and renovation work on the “Ivan Rilski” hospital’s wards; reconstructing of walls, ceilings, floors, electrical and pipe installations and installation of an elevator;
  • Study case on cardiovascular surgery services at cross-border level in Dolj and Vratsa;
  • Setting up professionals’ networks by exchanging skills and expertise in professional teams;
  • Creating awareness upon cross-border medical assistance in Dolj & Vratsa.

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 8 supported cross border mechanisms to enhance cooperation capacity: 1 technical working group; 1 study on health systems & 1 study case; 1 seminar with public health players & 1 cooperation framework endorsed by participants; 1 cooperation agreement by Beneficiary 2 - Municipality of Kozloduy & Beneficiary 3 - Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova; 1 professionals network in 5 medical specialties and 1 internet portal for information and awareness of patients & professionals.

Programme results: increased level of co-ordination of the public institutions in the eligible area

Project status

All activities of the project have been implemented, the project was finalized on 20.11.2019.

In terms of physical progress, the following reluslts were achieved:

-Two launching conferences were held – one organized by Lead Beneficiary in Craiova and one was organized by Beneficiary 2 in Vratsa;

-The project website has been elaborated and is available at: in Ro, Bg, and En languages;

- 1 team joint working group composed by experts from Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova and Multi-profile Hospital for Active Treatment “ST. Ivan Rilski”, Kozloduy has been established. Meetings were held in order to realize the structure and the contents of the study of health systems in Dolj and Vratsa and for study case;

- The study “ Analyzing the current situation of healthcare services in Dolj and Vratsa”in RO and BG  languages was elaborated;

-B2 purchased all the envisaged medical equipment necessary for Multi-profile Hospital for Active Medical Treatment “Ivan Rilski” – Kozloduy. Also, the rehabilitated works at the Multi-profile Hospital for Active Treatment “ St. Ivan Rilski” – Kozloduy, was completed;

- 1 professional network in 5 medical specialities was established ( Cardilology team; Obstretics and Gynecology team; Neurology team; General surgery team; Intensive care team) and were made 5 study visits to the Clinlical Emergency County Hospital Craiova.

- LB purchased all the envisaged medical equipment necessary to endow one of the operational room of the Cardilology and Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic from the Clinical emergency Councty Hospital Craiova. All the medical equipment was delivered and installed, the LB and B3 are taking measures for hiring specialized medical staff, process that was completed in 2020. Currently the operational room is fully functional.


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