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ROBG 162 – Cross-Border Partnership for Training and Labour mobility in the Juridical field

What’s the goal?

To encourage the integration of the cross-border area regarding employment and workforce mobility in the juridical field, via cooperation and promotion of joint actions of beneficiaries, by using human and natural resources in a sustainable manner.

What’s the budget?

430,114.34 euro, out of which 365,597.19 euro ERDF


Lead partner: Bar Association - Dolj (Romania)

Partners: Bar Association - Vidin (Bulgaria)


Start date: 05.04.2017

End date: 04.10.2018

Duration: 18 months


Dolj in Romania

Vidin in Bulgaria


  • creating a network of centers that will provide population with juridical information and consultancy services;
  • elaborating a joint study by means of which employment and workforce mobility needs in the juridical field will be identified;
  • drafting a joint strategy through which future directions regarding employment and workforce mobility will be established;
  • the participation of the target group in conferences, foreign language courses, juridical specialist courses, joint training sessions and exchanges of experience.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 4 types of initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area and 300 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training.

Programme results: 300 inhabitants on both sides of the border will have access to joint employment initiatives.

Project status

The project was finalized in October 2018. The beneficiaries successfully planned and implemented the project activities achieving the main project outputs and results.

A cross-border juridical network, composed of 2 dedicated centres (Cross-Border Juridical Center from Craiova and Cross-Border Juridical Center from Vidin) was setup at the headquarters of 2 beneficiaries, which were the framework for the implementation of all project activities. Also, the centres are envisaged to function in the project sustainability period and will also provide the framework for the implementation of the Joint Strategy and related action plan which have been developed within the project. To that purpose a new Partnership Agreement, including an action plan for the period 2019 - 2023 was concluded by the 2 beneficiaries. The two beneficiaries are already working on the extension of the network to include other bar associations from the cross-border region. Mehedinti and Olt Bar Association have already adopted decisions for joining the network;

The team of the two beneficiaries developed a study regarding employment and workforce mobility in the cross-border area, including survey among law students, legal practitioners and legal entities in Dolj County and Vidin district was realised in view of identifying the needs of the target groups (law students and graduates on one hand, and their potential employers, on the other), as well as the employability area, and conditions in which the members of the target group will be able to become more mobile within the cross border region. Based on the study, the team further developed a strategy regarding employment and workforce mobility in the cross-border area, in the juridical field. During the strategy elaboration, the expert team consulted various stakeholders and actors that may be involved in the implementation of the Strategy for elaboration a detailed action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy. Both the Study and the Strategy were translated in English, printed and disseminated to the Stakeholders;

The project website and information database are available at and represent a repository of the project implementation and features all project results, including the results of the study and the developed Strategy, a database with potential employers in Dolj County and Vidin District, legislation in the juridical field in the two countries, job openings in the juridical field in Dolj County and Vidin district, the training materials from the trainings in juridical themes, etc.;

The most important output of the project is the educational scheme, composed of:

        joint training courses in cross-border juridical themes (Cross-border migration regulation, Cross-border labor legislation and social security, Cross-border tax law, Cross-border commercial law, Cross-border regulations in transports and cultural patrimony, Cross-border criminal law) for 155 RO and 155 BG implemented in the period March – August 2018.

        language training course (24 hours) for 74 (39 RO and 35 BG) representatives of the target group implemented in November 2017;

        joint training on horizontal issues for 40 (20Bg and 20 RO) representatives of the Target group in the period February-March 2018


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