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ROBG 423


Culture in Eternity

What’s the goal?

To preserve, promote and develop the culture of the partnering municipalities and successfully pass it to future generations.

What’s the budget?

1,411,373.15 euro, out of which 1,199,667.16 euro ERDF


Lead Beneficiary (LB): Municipality of Elena (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality of Medgidia (Romania)


Start date: 13.09.2018

End date: 30.11.2021

Duration: 38 months and 18 days


Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria

Constanta in Romania


  • Organization of painting camps in Elena and Medgidia;
  • Organization of workshops in Medgidia;
  • Development a common strategy for valorising and promoting the cultural heritage and boosting of cultural tourism;
  • Organization of Culture Festival in Medgidia;
  • Development of joint tourist packages.

Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 5 integrated tourism products/services created, 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses

Programme results: 500 tourist overnights in the CBC region.

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The project was finalized on 30.11.2021.

The following results were achieved:

- The construction works for rehabilitation of the old school in Elena to be turned into new Picture Gallery were finalized, building was officially opened for the public on 03.09.2021;

- The Common strategy for valorizing and promoting the cultural heritage and boosting of cultural tourism was elaborated in Bulgarian language and translated in Romanian and English languages;

- 4 joint tourist packages for the destination Elena, Bulgaria - Medgidia, Romania: “Art”, “Cultural historical heritage”, “Festivals” and “Religious tourism” were prepared and the summaries of the tourist packages were translated in Romanian and English language;

- The 1st edition of the Painting Camp was held in Elena, between 20-23.08.2019;

- The 2nd edition of the Painting Camp was held in Elena, between 07-10.07.2021;

- The 1st edition of the Painting Camp was held in Medgidia, between 26.07-04.08.2019;

- The 2nd edition of the Painting Camp was held in Medgidia, between 19-28.08.2021;

- The 1st edition of the Culture Festival was held in Medgidia, between 02-05.05.2019;

- The 2nd edition of the Culture festival was held in Medgidia, between 09-12.09.2021;

- Beneficiary 2 signed the contract for organizing of art workshops on the following themes: painting on water; cutting and painting on wood; cutting and painting on ceramics; cutting and painting on cardboard. 10 workshops (out of 12 workshops) were already held in Medigidia. Also, the contract for elaboration of the promotional materials was signed and the promotional materials were developed and delivered;

- Audio guide system for the gallery was developed. There were prepared 200 texts for the paintings, which the gallery have, which were also translated in Romanian and English. The texts were recorded and presented to the Lead Beneficiary. Each device have recordings for the exponents in 3 languages - Bulgarian, Romanian and English. The recordings are available on the website of the gallery, section Culture corner, 360 virtual tour. The visitor can click on each painting and to hear the recorded information. The audio guide devices were delivered with the delivery–acceptance protocol from 22.07.2021;

- Web based platform “Culture corner”, web-site and logo for the picture gallery were developed - the web site of the picture gallery is available at The web site contains information about the tourist packages, the project and the activities, which were implemented, the gallery - 360 virtual tour, information movie, etc. The visitors of the gallery can reach the web site with the delivered kiosk. The platform Culture corner is part of the web site The platform contains 360 tour of the gallery, information movie, and the 4 tourist packages with short movie for each package. The service has been implemented and accepted with delivery-acceptance protocol from 06.08.2021 and delivery-acceptance protocol for stage "training" for the future work with the web-site, web based platform and logo from 06.08.2021;

-           Conference for popularizing the tourist packages among the tourist agencies was hold. The event was organized on 03.08.2021 in Elena. More than 20 representatives from tourist companies from the CBC region took part in the event;

- The final press conference was organized by B2 on 26.11.2021 in Medgidia. 21 persons attended the event.


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