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ROBG 442

B-TeN (ROBG-442)

“Improve nodes Giurgiu – Byala for better connection to Ten-T infrastructure”

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is to improve the joint transport system through effective connection of Giurgiu County and Byala communities with core and comprehensive TEN-T transport network.

What’s the budget?

7,974,947.04 euro out of which 6,778,704.97 euro ERDF.

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Giurgiu County

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Byala Municipality

When is it happening?

Start date: 22.08.2018

End date: 21.12.2023

Duration: 64 months

Where is it happening?

Giurgiu County in Romania

Byala Municipality in Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Elaboration of a joint traffic management plan;
  • Conducting an awareness campaign for the traffic management system;
  • Mapping the black-spots for Byala streets and Giurgiu County road and development of module/ application - integrated awareness system for traffic safety measures in both municipalities;
  • Elaboration of a traffic study and needs for road infrastructure development for the cross border area;
  • Rehabilitation of Giurgiu County road DJ412A: Adunații Copăceni - Dărăști Vlasca - Novaci - Popești – Mihăilești (12,53 km);
  • Rehabilitation of streets in Byala Municipality (4,80 km).

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: Rehabilitation of the transport infrastructure providing access to the TEN-T network (total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads 17,33 km);

Implementing 5 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/ tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure.

Programme results: 29,450 cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.

Project status

The project is finalized.

Lead Beneficiary

The works for "Rehabilitation DJ412A: Adunații Copăceni - Dărăști Vlașca - Novaci - Popești - Mihăilești" started on 15.09.2020 with a deadline of 24 months for their execution and 3 months for design services. The infrastructure works have been finalized from 28.02.2023.

Beneficiary 2

Work in Byala started in early May 2020 and was completed from 05.04.2021.

Territorial Administrative Unit - Giurgiu County and Byala Municipality have completed the activities regarding the development of 2 maps with black dots for areas with dangerous traffic and the traffic study. The development of the traffic management plan was completed on 04.10.2019. The study "New approaches in the field of traffic management and traffic safety measures in the territory of Byala and Giurgiu" was developed on 27.07.2020.

The project website has been created and is available at for LB and for B2 The site is a module of an integrated information system for road safety measures and allows the visualization of road accidents that occurred in Giurgiu-Byala area in the last five years in an interactive form - as a dynamic digital map, which in an interface user-friendly can identify areas where these accidents occur. These locations are called "black spots" - points where accidents are more frequent than the average statistical levels for the road infrastructure.



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