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ROBG 277

Danube2 Wheels (ROBG-277)

What’s the goal?

The main objective of the project is the creation of 3 new integrated tourist products for facilitating a better use of common tourist potentials, namely: a tourist product - adventure trips on the road; a tourist product - off-road adventure trips, for connecting, where the border allows routes from Romania and Bulgaria and a tourist product - leisure trips for families with children and people with disabilities, to facilitate a better use of the common tourist potential, generating 5,600 tourist overnights in the cross-border region.

What’s the budget?

497,713.31 euro, out of which 423,056.30 euro ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association AISSER Calarasi (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Sport for you and me - sports club canoeing (Bulgaria)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Association Sport Club ACTIS (Romania)

When is it happening?

Start date: 09.08.2018

End date: 08.02.2020

Duration: 18 months

Where is it happening?

Calarasi, Constanta, Techirghiol (Romania)

Vidin, Belogradchik (Bulgaria)

How is it going to happen?

  • 3 new integrated tourism products: one tourism product – adventure trips on road; one tourism product – adventure trips off road, for connecting, where the border permits the routes from Romania and Bulgaria and one tourism products – leisure trips for families with children and for persons with disabilities;
  • 2 strategies to improve the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage: 1 common strategy to identify the cycle routes to ride and explore the natural and cultural heritage and 1 common strategy to promote the integrated tourism products, including raising awareness on natural and cultural heritage of the area;
  • 5600 tourist overnights in the region generated by the creation of the new integrated tourist products;
  • 2 bike information points, one on each side of the border, offering information, materials, guidance and bikes;
  • 12 pilot actions organized in the eligible area of the programme: 4 experimental on road expeditions (3 days each); 4 experimental off road expeditions (3 days each), 2 experimental trips for families with children (3 days each) and 2 experimental trips for persons with disabilities and their accompanying persons (3 days each).

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs: 3 new integrated tourism products created will support a sustainable development of the region from economic, cultural and social point of view in order to facilitate better utilization of joint tourism potential , generating 5600 tourist overnights in the cross border region; 2 strategies to improve the sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage;

Programme results: 5600 tourist overnights in the cross border region.

Project status

The implementation of the project was finalized on 08.02.2020 and the following activities have been implemented:

1. 2 bike information points – one in Calarasi (Romania) and one in Belogradchik (Bulgaria) were created and equiped with tourist bikes, mountain bikes, bike trailers with baby strollers, bike trailers for children older than 4 years, bikes with stroller for people with disabilities. Both information points are operational and are used by people for bike thematic walks and for using the equipment.

2. 2 common strategies were developed: „Common strategy for identifying cycling routes to travel and explore the natural and cultural heritage” and „Common strategy for promotion of the integrated tourism products, including raising awareness on the area's natural and cultural heritage”. They both are available on the project website.

3. A project website was developed

4. An interactive map was created. The interactive map reflects the tourist routes in an interactive and easier to understand /intuitive online option in order to be used by the tourists. The interactive map is available on the project’s website and also in printed version.

5. A mobile application with routes was developed – it is available on both Android and iOS (iPhone) and contains developed integrated tourist packages available on the project presentation web portal.

6. The creation of new integrated tourist products has generated 784 tourist overnights in the region during the implementation period (the project’s target value was 5600 overnights out of which 600 within the implementation period) the difference remaing to be reached during the sustainability period.

7. There were created 3 new integrated tourist products: experimental adventure trips on asphalt, experimental off road adventure trips and experimental leisure trips for families with children and for people with disabilities and their personal assistants, by organizing 12 pilot actions (3 days each) in the cross border region, as follows:

a) 4 experimental road expeditions:

CYCLE for FUN – Bugeac Tour was organized in the period 29th – 31st of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Road Tour Techirghiol was organized in the period 31st of May – 2nd of June 2019 

CYCLE for FUN – Vidin Road Tour was organized in the period 4th – 6th of September 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Belogradchik Road Tour was organized in the period 6th – 8th of September 2019  

b) 4 experimental off-road expeditions:

CYCLE for FUN – Island Tour Calarasi was organized in the period 8th – 10th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Techirghiol MTB Tour was organized in the period 10th – 12th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Forest Tour Belogradchik was organized in the period 22nd - 24th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Dunonia Tour was organized in the period 24th – 26th of May 2019  

c) 2 experimental excursions for families with children:

CYCLE for FUN – Family Lake Tour was organized in the period 31st of May – 2nd of June 2019 

CYCLE for FUN – Belogradchik Family Tour was organized in the period 6th – 8th of September 2019

d) 2 experimental excursions for people with disabilities and their personal care attendants:

CYCLE for FUN – Balcan Special Tour was organized in the period 22nd – 24th of May 2019

CYCLE for FUN – Techirghiol Lake Special Tour was organized in the period 10th – 12th of May 2019


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