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Announcement for the purchase of services

The Calarasi Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation for the Romania-Bulgaria border launches an announcement for the purchase of catering services (cold products, hot products, salads, dessert, water) and coffee break (coffee and water) for each of the following events:

a) “Site visit to promote the ROBG-130 Development of River Danube project for better connectivity of the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu with Pan European transport corridor No7”, which will take place on 28.09.2021, in Ruse (Bulgaria) , starting at 15:00;
b) The Annual Conference on the progress registered in the implementation of the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Program which will take place on 29.09.2021, in Ruse (Bulgaria), starting with 9:30.

The maximum value for catering services is 25 levs / person, VAT included.
The maximum value for coffee break services is 3.5 levs / person, VAT included.
The provision of catering and coffee break services will take place on 09/28/2021 and on 09/29/2021, in Ruse, Bulgaria.
The offers are submitted until 28.09.2021, at 11:00, at the e-mail addresses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The winning bid will be the one with the lowest price and will meet the requirements of the ad.
Payment will be made by payment order, within 7 working days from the provision of services and receipt of the tax invoice.
Following the declaration of the winning bidder, a contract for the provision of catering and coffee break services will be signed with him for the events mentioned above.



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