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European Cooperation Day 2020

Today we are celebrating the European Cooperation Day 2020. Many events and different actions are organised in September throughout the entire Europe in order to commemorate the benefits of cooperation and to remind citizens that many good things come out when we all together join forces.

One of the actions organized within the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme is the ongoing Culinary challenge, where everyone is invited to submit a photo of his/her favorite dish from Romania and Bulgaria tasted during their travels. Many photos have been already received, but in order to show how various and delicious is the cross-border cuisine of Romania and Bulgaria we extend the deadline for submission of photos until 30th of September 2020. Send a photo of your favorite dish and celebrate together with us the European Cooperation Day!

During this week another action oriented towards EC Day will happen with the participation of the youngest beneficiaries of the Programme – students from the schools in the cross-border area, who will install bird houses in the school yards. For more details stay tuned and visit our Facebook page:

Happy European Cooperation Day 2020!


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