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European Commission selected Interreg V-A Romania- Bulgaria Programme for support in relation with citizens!

Interreg V-A Romania- Bulgaria Programme was selected by the European Commission (EC), in partnership with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to participate to the pilot project for involving citizens in implementing the cohesion policy of European Union.

The call for participation of Managing Authorities to this pilot project was launched by EC in February 2020. Following the evaluation of the submitted applications, Interreg V-A Romania- Bulgaria Programme was selected as a winner, together with other 4 Managing Authorities from Spain, Italy, Poland and Belgium- the Netherlands.

Starting with July 2020, for the next 12 months, the Managing Authority for Interreg V-A Romania- Bulgaria Programme will receive technical assistance from OECD and EC experts for improving and introducing new initiatives for citizens involvement for the next cross-border cooperation programme post 2020.

By taking part to this project, we wish to encourage active involvement of citizens and civil society to the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of the future cross-border cooperation programme, applying the principles of good governance, so that we will have a post 2020 programme transparent, closer to the needs of citizens and local communities.

When the project is finalized, the results will be made public, as they may become sources of inspiration for other institutions managing European funds, which aim to involve citizens in their programmes in an active way.

The official press release of EC may be found at: 

Published on 13.07.2020



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