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Press conference of the project “Improving the connection to the TEN-T network in the cross-border area Medgidia – Dobrich”

On the 10th of May 2019, starting at 11:00 o’clock at the building of Dobrich Municipality will be held a press conference for the project “Improving the connection to the TEN-T network in the cross-border area Medgidia – Dobrich”, ROBG – 439, implemented in partnership with Territorial Administrative Unit - Medgidia Municipality from Romania as Lead Beneficiary and Dobrich Municipality from Bulgaria as Beneficiary 2.

The project main objective is to bring together communities and businesses from Medgidia and Dobrich by improving the cross-border transport system using a better connection to TEN-T network. It is expected that there will be 11 km of modernized road infrastructure and 3 joint mechanisms (traffic safety measures, awareness raising activities and route guidance) that will facilitate the connection of the two nodes to the TEN-T infrastructure.
More information about the project can be found on the following link:

Posted on: 08.05.2019


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