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Photo contest "Europe through the eyes of the Europeans"

On the occasion of the Day of Europe the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme launches a photo contest "Europe through the eyes of the Europeans".

In order to sign up for the contest you should send photos from Romania and Bulgaria to the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within the period 4th – 8th of May 2017.
Between 9th of May and 14th of May 2017 the photos will be posted on the Facebook page of the Programme and depending on the accumulated number of likes a ranking will be made. To those who have submitted the photos, ranked at the first three places will be given promotional materials, elaborated within the Programme.
Photos will be sent with the name: country / city / author and will have a maximum size of 14 MB.
By enrolling the photo in the contest, the participant states implicitly that he/she owns the copyright over the photo and agrees with it being published on the Facebook page of the photo contest and to be a subject of voting and receiving comments, on the Programme website, as well as on information and promotional materials.
Posted on: 4th of May 2017


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