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Information event for the Third call for proposals 19th of April Slatina

Another information session regarding the Third call for proposals under the Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme

took place today, 19th of April 2017, in Slatina. Potential applicants interested in the financing opportunities offered by this call for project proposals participated at the event.
The three priority axes related to this call for proposals, the Programme indicators to which the submitted project should contribute to, the conditions for eligibility of the partners involved, details in reference to the functionality of the electronic monitoring system e-MS as well as the modality of filling in the expression of interest in the e-MS with deadline of submission 15th of May 2017, 16:00 o’clock were presented during the event.
The schedule for the next Info Day is available within our Calendar (website).
To view photos from these meeting, click here.
Posted on: 19.04.2017


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