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To the attention of the beneficiaries!

The Programme has established 31st of March 2017 as deadline for introducing in the e-MS system the historical data related to: FLC requests, progress reports, reimbursement claims, contract modification.

No partner reports, and subsequently project reports, can be submitted after this deadline if the historical data are not introduced up to date into the system!
In case you do not observe the above-mentioned deadline the future project reports (including reimbursement of expenditures) will no longer be processed, with all consequences related to this.
When introducing the historical data into the system, please observe the following rules:
1. The periods of first level controls/reporting dates will be defined according to the e-MS reporting manual. (in correlation with reality for historical data and according to last approved schedule for FLC and RC for future periods)
2. For each of the defined periods, each beneficiary will have to submit a partner report to FLC even if no expenditure were reported for the respective period (zero euro were requested for first level control requests).
3. In e-MS, each project report has both financial and technical data reporting sections, corresponding to both FLC requests/reimbursement claim and progress reports at programme level. When entering historical data up-to-date in e-MS, all technical data will be cumulated and reported in the system in only one report covering the period up to 31st March. In this case, for all other reports except the last one (until 31st of March, cut-off date), the contribution for technical data (for all partners) will/can be zero.
4. Addenda and notification will be requested in hard copy. They will be introduced in the system only after their approval in on paper.
5. All addenda or notifications approved until today together with the modification of reporting periods (as explained in point 1) should be cumulated in one single modification request in e-MS (approval of these modification is a prerequisite condition for project partners to submit partner/ project reports).
6. Currently, the Programme rules provide separate reimbursement claims and progress reports. In the near future, MA will initiate addenda to all subsidy contracts in order to correlate the technical and financial reporting periods as per the e-MS requirements.
7. Also, before the cut-off date, the Programme will organize meetings with projects (Lead beneficiary and all partners involved) in order to provide assistance for bringing the information up to date in the e-MS system. The presence to these meeting (of all partners) is mandatory (JS will inform the beneficiaries).

Published on 28.02.2017



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