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Frequent errors in the implementation of projects financed under the CBC RO- BG 2007-2013 Programme

The First Level Controllers in Romania, in cooperation with the Managing Authority have compiled a list of the most common mistakes identified in the implementation of projects funded under the 2007-2013 programming period, for Romanian beneficiaries. The document is available here.

A similar list was made for the Bulgarian partners:

The lists were developed to support the beneficiaries of the projects implemented under the Programme in 2014-2020, to prevent mistakes made in implementation and to avoid financial corrections. We recommend correlating the information with the provisions of the Project Implementation Manual and other supporting documents, available on the Programme website, (Rules of Implementation section) given the fact that in the new programming period, the legislation on public procurement was modified and that the Programme has implemented a series of simplification measures (use of simplified costs, budget simplification, introducing a list of ceilings applicable on Programme level also).

Posted on 03.11.2016



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