“Reconstruction and display of iconic cultural sites high tourism potential in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu”
What’s the goal?
The overall objective of the project is to increase tourism attractiveness of Ruse-Giurgiu CBC region represented by 2 of the region’s iconic cultural and historic sites the Pantheon in Ruse and the Fortress in Giurgiu.
What’s the budget?
1,426,760.12 euro, out of which 1,212,746.09 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Ruse Municipality
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit – Giurgiu Town.
When is it happening?
Start date: 31.07.2018
End date: 30.04.2024
Duration: 69 months and 1 day
Where is it happening?
Giurgiu (Romania)
Ruse (Bulgaria)
How is it going to happen?
- reconstruction of the Pantheon of National Revival Heroes in Ruse;
- multimedia presentation;
- developing and equipping of Giurgiu fortress with modern fittings;
- joint management plan;
- joint marketing strategy;
- catalogue and website presenting iconic cultural heritage in Ruse-Giurgiu region;
- integrated tourism route;
- information and publicity activities.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:
- 1 integrated tourism products/services created;
- 2 strategies and management plans for valorizing the cultural and natural heritage;
Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the cbc area with 8000.
Project status
The project is finalized.
The LB – Ruse Municipality finalized the works in relation to the Renovation of the Pantheon of National Revival Heroes in Ruse. The Pantheon is functioning and opened for visitorsevery day during the working hours between 9.00-12.00 and 13.00-18.00.
B2 – TAU Giurgiu Municipality officially receipted the works execution within the investment objective - Giurgiu Fortress on 26.04.2024, the investment site being open to public access without any restrictions.
Within the frame of activity T1 “Implementation of joint tourism mechanisms and elaboration of tender dossiers”, the Lead Beneficiary has receipt from the service provider the elaborated integrated tourism route, trilingual map, containing the identified tourist sites and catalogue in Bulgarian, Romanian and English. Тhe tourism route is aiming to present the historical past of the communities living in the Ruse-Giurgiu region in a systematic, organised and tourist-friendly way and is highlighting the renovated Pantheon and valorised Fortress. The route is available for the public on the following link: https://cetate-panteonrobg.ro/obiective-turistice/ . In addition, the LB elaborated a “Joint marketing strategy incl. joint branding and promotion of the tourism route” in tree languages - RO, EN, BG and is also available for the general public on the following link: https://cetate-panteonrobg.ro/en/useful-info/ .
Furthermore, B2 - Giurgiu Municipality developed a trilingual Joint Management Plan for common preservation, development and utilization of cultural heritage, which was further uploaded on the project web site for presenting iconic cultural heritage in Ruse-Giurgiu CB region, which could be accessed on the link: https://cetate-panteonrobg.ro/ .
As a result from the realization of the both investment touristic objectives, namely the Pantheon of Revivals in Ruse and the Giurgiu historical fortress, the project is contributing with additional 19.532 tourist overnights realised within the region Ruse – Giurgiu.