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Important notice for E-MS reporting (partner reports section Contribution and forecast/ Follow-up of Partner Contribution) by beneficiaries (starting with 07.08.2017)

The components within Target Partner Contribution Value (section Contribution and forecast/ Follow-up Of Partner Contribution) shall be filled in by hand and reported by the beneficiaries in partner reports, as follows:

a. the public contribution (state budget) will be calculated in Euro by applying 13% from Total Amount Declared By Partner in Euro (round down function will be applied),
b. own contribution will be calculated with the following formula (Target Partner Contribution Value – the amount calculated as above explained at point a.)
Example: one partner includes in eMS expenditures that totalize 7,001.23 Euro.
Total Amount Declared By Partner in Euro = 7,001.23 Euro
Total partner expenditure declared E R D F = 7,001.23 Euro *0.85 = 5,951.046 Euro (eMS system will round down to 5,951.04 Euro)
a. The public contribution (state budget) will be calculated by applying 13% from Total Amount Declared by Partner in Euro (round down function will be applied).
The public contribution (state budget) = Total Amount Declared by Partner in Euro (7,001.23 Euro) * 0.13 = 910,159 Euro that should be rounded down and the amount of 910,15 Euro will be written in the respective section.
b. Own contribution will be calculated with the above formula:
Own contribution = Target Partner Contribution Value (displayed in the system as 1,050.19 Euro) – The public contribution (state budget) (910, 15 Euro, as calculated at point a.)
This rule will apply for beneficiaries partner reports submitted in the e-MS starting with 07.08.2017. If the breakdown will not be made according to the present instruction, FLC must revert the partner reports in order to be corrected (otherwise the reports will be reverted later on by JS, MA, etc. )

Posted on 08.08.2017  



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