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Important notice on using the E-MS

The split of the Partner Contribution between state budget and own contribution has been identified as an important issue which if wrongfully performed in the system at the current moment and can create problems in the e-MS

system at all levels. Since these amounts can be corrected only at the FLC level of checking by reverting the report to the partner, and thus this action would create delays, please have in mind that the split should be done according to the following calculation method:

1. Out of the Target Partner Contribution Value (automatically calculated by e-MS) the private contribution of 13, 33% is first calculated and should be rounded down to the first 2 decimals after the comma;

2. The public contribution (state budget) is obtained by difference by deducting the 13, 33%, calculated as above, out of Target Partner Contribution Value.

Posted on: 02.06.2017



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