EIMo (ROBG 140)
Building a sustainable model and partner network to support employment and labour mobility
What’s the goal?
To encourage the labour mobility in key economic sectors in the cross-border area through creating conditions for balance between demand and supply on the labour market. |
What’s the budget?
593,492.79 EUR euro, out of which 504,468.87 euroERDF
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Industrial Association – Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture (Romania),
Beneficiary 3 (B3): Bulgarian Industrial Association – union of the Bulgarian business (BIA) (Bulgaria)
Start date: - 4 April 2017
End date: - 3 April 2019
Duration: 24 months
Constanta in Romania
Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia in Bulgaria
Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
- Programme outputs: 4 initiatives that activate workforce mobility in the cross border area; 400 participants in joint local employment initiatives and joint training
- Programme results: 50.000 people will have access to joint employment initiatives.
Project status:
The project was finalised on 03.04.2019.
- 5 economic sectors on both sides of the border with potential for labour mobility selected through a jointly applied methodology;
- - Selecting 40 key positions in the selected economic sectors with identified potential for labour mobility;
- 5 bilingual competence catalogues with a description of the required knowledge, skills and competencies for the selected 40 key positions developed, validated and approved in Romania and Bulgaria;
- 1 trilingual internet portal . The modern design and the interactive screens allow easy and friendly access to the website resources - the CBC economic map, profiles of identified enterprises from both sides of the border with the potential to enable mobility of workforce from across the border, the competence catalogues, five e-tools for competency assessment, internet-based module for profiling unemployed and inactive persons, an e-learning platform (activity 8), an e-platform;
- 2 press conferences were organized (Veliko Tarnovo and Constanta).