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ANNOUNCEMENT - Call for external technical experts

ANNOUNCEMENT: Call for external technical experts

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1th of February 2016, hour 12:00

The Joint Secretariat for the Romania-Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme (Cross Border Cooperation Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria) is looking for external technical experts for performance of adequate expertise for the analysis from technical and qualitative point of view of hard project proposals submitted within the frame of Romania – Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme 1st call for proposals for hard projects with deadline of September 30th 2015, that are under assessment process or for which a complaint was submitted after Monitoring Committee’s Decision.

Cross Border Cooperation Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border wants to establish a pool of 30 external technical experts that can be assigned for analysis from technical and qualitative point of view of hard project proposals submitted within the frame of Romania – Bulgaria Interreg V-A Programme 1st call for proposals for hard projects with deadline of September 30th 2015. In this regard, there were launched and finalized four procedures for selection with the outcome of 26 external technical experts selected. In order to complete the pool of experts, the present call for external technical experts is launched with the following available positions:


The requirements, conditions and calendar for selection are detailed within the Terms of References and its annexes, click here
To see the entire announcement, click here.




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