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Important notice for the Programme`s beneficiaries of selected projects only

Monday 23rd of October, 2017, 16:00 is the deadline for submiting in e-MS the full application forms within the 2nd step of the 3rd call for proposals of Interreg VA RoBg Programme.

In order to ensure a smooth process of submitting the applications, the Managing Authority of the Programme is kindly asking the beneficiaries of already selected projects (other than the potential ones applying for step 2 in the third call) to not login into the system, from now on until Monday 23rd of October, 2017, 16:00 o`clock. Please be informed that the ongoing deadlines which involve the use of e-MS system, will be automatically extended with 2 working days (for beneficiaries of selected projects only).

That does not apply, of course, to the deadline for the third call, which stands at 23rd of October 2017, 16:00.

Posted on 20.10.2017 



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