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European Cooperation Day 2017

We enjoy living, working and travelling in whole Europe, but are we well aware of our traditions? Are we fully aware of our roles in keeping the traditions and that Europe is very close in our everyday life?

Today, on 22nd of September 2017 the Joint Secretariat for the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme within the Cross Border Cooperation Regional Office Calarasi for the Romania Bulgaria border (CBC RO Calarasi) is happy to join in celebrating the European Territorial Cooperation in the Romanian-Bulgarian border region by organizing the “Culinary Show of traditional dishes from the Romanian and Bulgarian and other European countries cuisine”.

The big number of traditional dishes from both countries were presented in a traditional way. The most delicious and the most admired ones were awarded with titles.

Celebrating the EC Day shows that altogether we are a big family within the European Union with similar traditions and customs, being led by the moto: To go far, go together.

Click here to view photos.

posted on 25.09.2017



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